Development and research of advanced materials for the protection and repair of concrete structures


Provider: TA ČR
Solution time: 2021-2024
Project No: FW03010256

Development and research of advanced materials for the protection and repair of concrete structures is the main aim of the project. Based on the parameters of porous space of the substrate, cracks development, their width and character, these materials should ensure structural stability and durability of damaged concrete structure with respect to harmful effects associated with action of water and water soluble salts. The aim is to develop repair/grouting/impregnation material on the basis of low-viscose non-solvent synthetic resin including its modifications for specific application purposes such as surface protection and impregnation, structure solidifying penetrations, cracks injection, special application based on advanced properties of developed materials.

Principal investigator

Zbyšek Pavlík

2 2435 7917

Office: D1048a