Academic qualifications |
1996 | Master degree (MSc.), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Field of study: Theoretical physics, Master thesis: Finite-size effects for the Potts model |
2001 | Doctoral degree (Ph.D.), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Field of study: Theoretical physics, astronomy and astrophysics, Ph.D. thesis: Finite-size effects for classical lattice models |
Employment and practice |
since 2016 | Professor, Department of Materials Engineering and Chemistry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague |
2014 - 2016 | Associate Professor, Department of Materials Engineering and Chemistry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague |
2010 - 2014 | Research Scholar, Department of Materials Engineering and Chemistry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague |
Research activity |
Theoretical study of heat and mass transport in porous materials (building materials and traditional ceramics, osmosis and surface diffusion, inverse methods, termophysical and mechanical properties). Statistical mechanics of first-order phase transitions and their applications (finite-size effects, surface diffusion, underpotential deposition on electrodes, chiral seggregation of molecules). |
Bachelor courses
123BAPCBakalářská práce
123BPROBachelor Project
123MEDMaterials engineering
Master courses
123DPMDiplomová práce
123DPPDiploma project
Medveď, I., Jurči M., Trník, A.
Determination of phase change temperature of materials from adiabatic scanning calorimetry data
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2023, 148(4), 1693-1704. ISSN 1388-6150.
Fořt, J., Böhm, M., Medveď, I., Mildner, M., Černý, R.
Effects of Secondary Porosity on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of SAP-Containing Lime-Based Plasters
Polymers. 2022, 14(6), 1162. ISSN 2073-4360.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Fitting of heat capacity peaks of PCMs with a theoretical formula
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2019, 138(4), 2597-2603. ISSN 1388-6150.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Modeling of radionuclide transport in porous media: A review of recent studies
Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2019, 526, 151765. ISSN 0022-3115.
Jerman, M., Scheinherrová, L., Medveď, I., Krejsová, J., Doleželová, M., Bezdička P., Černý, R.
Effect of cyclic wetting and drying on microstructure, composition and length changes of lime-based plasters
Cement and Concrete Composites. 2019, 2019(104), 103411. ISSN 0958-9465.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Behavior of a PCM at Varying Heating Rates: Experimental and Theoretical Study with an Aim at Temperature Moderation in Radionuclide Concrete Encasements
International Journal of Thermophysics. 2018, 39(7), 83. ISSN 0195-928X.
Ondruška J., Trník, A., Keppert, M., Medveď, I.
Isothermal Dilatometric Study of Sintering in Kaolin
International Journal of Thermophysics. 2014, 35(9), 1946-1956. ISSN 0195-928X.
Húlan T., Trník, A., Medveď, I.
Kinetics of thermal expansion of illite-based ceramics in the dehydroxylation region during heating
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2017, 127(1), 291-298. ISSN 1388-6150.
Medveď, I., Trník, A., Vozár L.
Modeling of heat capacity peaks and enthalpy jumps of phase-change materials used for thermal energy storage
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017, 107 123-132. ISSN 0017-9310.
Medveď, I., Podobník L., Huckaby D.A.
Phase transitions of first order in finite volumes with applications to underpotential deposition of metals
ACTA PHYSICA SLOVACA. 2015, 65(6), 469-533. ISSN 1336-040X.
Kováč J., Trník, A., Medveď, I., Štubňa I., Vozár L.
Influence of Fly Ash Added to a Ceramic Body on Its Thermophysical Properties
Thermal Science. 2016, 20(2), 603-612. ISSN 0354-9836.
Pavlík, Z., Fořt, J., Záleská, M., Pavlíková, M., Trník, A., Medveď, I., Keppert, M., Koutsoukos P.G, Černý, R.
Energy-efficient thermal treatment of sewage sludge for its application in blended cements
Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 2016(112), 409-419. ISSN 0959-6526.
Ondruška J., Medveď, I., Kočí, V., Černý, R.
Measurement of the contribution of radiation to the apparent thermal conductivity of fiber reinforced cement composites exposed to elevated temperatures
International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2016, 100 298-304. ISSN 1290-0729.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Role of Time Relaxation in a One-Dimensional Diffusion-Advection Model of Water and Salt Transport
Advances in Mathematical Physics. 2015, 2015(2015), 307312. ISSN 1687-9139.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Model Formulas for Facilitating Determination of Concentration-Dependent Diffusion Coefficients
METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL. 2015, 21(5), 907-912. ISSN 1598-9623.
Medveď, I., Huckaby D., Trník, A., Milas I.
Chiral discrimination for a system of tetrahedral molecules on a triangular lattice
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2015, 2015, P06020. ISSN 1742-5468.
Scheinherrová, L., Trník, A., Kulovaná T., Reiterman P., Medveď, I., Vejmelková, E., Černý, R.
Thermal properties of high-performance concrete containing fine-ground ceramics as a partial cement replacement
Materials Science (Medžiagotyra). 2015, 21(3), 444-448. ISSN 1392-1320.
Jerman, M., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Length changes of autoclaved aerated concrete exposed to cyclic wetting and drying
Cement Wapno Beton. 2015, 20/82(3), 139-+. ISSN 1425-8129.
Trník, A., Scheinherrová, L., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Simultaneous DSC and TG analysis of high-performance concrete containing natural zeolite as a supplementary cementitious material
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2015, 121(1), 67-73. ISSN 1388-6150.
Medveď, I., Trník, A., Černý, R.
Adsorption isotherm predicted from a lattice gas with general lateral interactions in a single-phase regime
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2014, 2014(12), P12006. ISSN 1742-5468.
Medveď, I., Avsec J., Kováč J., Trník, A.
Rigorous Results on Surface Diffusion Coefficients Near a First-Order Phase Transition
International Journal of Thermophysics. 2014, 35(9-10), 1853-1862. ISSN 0195-928X.
Ondruška J., Trník, A., Keppert, M., Medveď, I., Vozár L.
Isothermal Dilatometric Study of Sintering in Kaolin
International Journal of Thermophysics. 2014, 35(9-10), 1946-1956. ISSN 0195-928X.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Coupled Water and Salt Transport in Porous Materials: Rapid Determination of a Varying Diffusion Coefficient from Experimental Data
Transport in Porous Media. 2014, 105(3), 597-610. ISSN 0169-3913.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Surface Diffusion at Subcritical Temperatures: Selected Rigorous Results
Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta. 2013, 2013(2), 48-54. ISSN 2072-8387.
Kováč J., Trník, A., Medveď, I., Vozár L.
Influence of calcite in a ceramic body on its thermophysical properties
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2013, 114(3), 963-970. ISSN 1388-6150.
Trník, A., Štubňa I., Sokolář R., Medveď, I.
Use of fly ash in ceramic tiles: Elastic properties during firing
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 2013, 121(1419), 925-929. ISSN 1882-0743.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Surface free energy of a finite system without interfaces at low temperatures
Physics Letters A. 2013, 377(39), 2718-2722. ISSN 0375-9601.
Pavlík, Z., Fořt, J., Žumár J., Pavlíková, M., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Sekundární vlivy na materiálové parametry charakterizující transport vodní páry stanovené miskovou metodou
Stavební obzor. 2013, 22(7), 178-182. ISSN 1805-2576.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Multi-site correlation functions in surface diffusion
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2013, 2013(4), P04026. ISSN 1742-5468.
Trník, A., Moravčíková A., Keppert, M., Medveď, I.
Investigation of Sintering in Electroceramics by Thermodilatometry
Science of Sintering. 2013, 45(1), 3-12. ISSN 0350-820X.
Pavlík, Z., Medveď, I., Žumár J., Pavlíková, M., Černý, R.
Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Adsorption Isotherms of Building Materials
Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 2013, 73(1), 939-954. ISSN 2010-376X.
Trník, A., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Measurement of linear thermal expansion coefficient of concrete at high temperatures: A comparison of isothermal and non-isothermal method
Cement Wapno Beton. 2012, 17/79(6), 363-372. ISSN 1425-8129.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Osmosis in porous media: A review of recent studies
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2013, 170(1), 299-317. ISSN 1387-1811.
Medveď, I., Huckaby D.A., Trník, A., Valovičová L.
Modelling of phase transitions: do it yourself
European Journal of Physics. 2013, 34(1), 95-106. ISSN 0143-0807.
Pavlík, Z., Medveď, I., Žumár J., Pavlíková, M., Černý, R.
Analýza adsorpce plynné vlhkosti v porézních stavebních materiálech
Stavební obzor. 2013, 22(1), ISSN 1805-2576.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Many-particle surface diffusion coefficients near first-order phase transitions at low temperatures
Physical Review E. 2012, 86(1), 011601. ISSN 1539-3755.
Tydlitát, V., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Determination of a partial phase composition in calcined gypsum by calorimetric analysis of hydration kinetics
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2012, 109(1), 57-62. ISSN 1388-6150.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Surface diffusion near first-order phase transitions for a model on a triangular lattice
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2012, 2012(01), P01025. ISSN 1742-5468.
Pavlík, Z., Žumár J., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Water vapor adsorption in porous building materials: experimental measurement and theoretical analysis
Transport in Porous Media. 2012, 91(3), 939-954. ISSN 0169-3913.
Medveď, I., Moravčíková J.
Equilibrium neck shapes for initial stages of solid-state sintering due to surface diffusion in a disk model of clays.
Science of Sintering. 2011, 43(2), 133-143. ISSN 0350-820X.
Ondruška J., Trník, A., Medveď, I.
Estimation of mass transfer parameters during dehydroxylation in a large ceramic body by inverse methods
Ceramics International. 2011, 37(8), 3299-3305. ISSN 0272-8842.
Trník, A., Medveď, I., Štubňa I., Šín P., Sokolář R.
Relationship between mechanical strength and Young's modulus in traditional ceramics
Materials and Technology. 2011, 43(4), 375-378. ISSN 1580-2949.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Collective surface diffusion near a first-order phase transition.
Physical Review B. 2011, 83(23), 1-4. ISSN 1098-0121.
Medveď, I., Trník, A., Huckaby D.A.
Low temperature phases obtained by linear programming: An application to a lattice system of model chiral molecules.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 2011, 390(17), 3002-3019. ISSN 0378-4371.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Surface diffusion in porous media: A critical review
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2011, 142(2-3), 405-422. ISSN 1387-1811.
Medveď, I., Trník, A., Huckaby D.A.
Chiral segregation, an unusual racemic phase, and a residual entropy for a lattice system of model chiral molecules
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2010, 10(12), ISSN 1742-5468.
Determination of phase change temperature of materials from adiabatic scanning calorimetry data
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2023, 148(4), 1693-1704. ISSN 1388-6150.
Fořt, J., Böhm, M., Medveď, I., Mildner, M., Černý, R.
Effects of Secondary Porosity on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of SAP-Containing Lime-Based Plasters
Polymers. 2022, 14(6), 1162. ISSN 2073-4360.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Fitting of heat capacity peaks of PCMs with a theoretical formula
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2019, 138(4), 2597-2603. ISSN 1388-6150.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Modeling of radionuclide transport in porous media: A review of recent studies
Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2019, 526, 151765. ISSN 0022-3115.
Jerman, M., Scheinherrová, L., Medveď, I., Krejsová, J., Doleželová, M., Bezdička P., Černý, R.
Effect of cyclic wetting and drying on microstructure, composition and length changes of lime-based plasters
Cement and Concrete Composites. 2019, 2019(104), 103411. ISSN 0958-9465.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Behavior of a PCM at Varying Heating Rates: Experimental and Theoretical Study with an Aim at Temperature Moderation in Radionuclide Concrete Encasements
International Journal of Thermophysics. 2018, 39(7), 83. ISSN 0195-928X.
Ondruška J., Trník, A., Keppert, M., Medveď, I.
Isothermal Dilatometric Study of Sintering in Kaolin
International Journal of Thermophysics. 2014, 35(9), 1946-1956. ISSN 0195-928X.
Húlan T., Trník, A., Medveď, I.
Kinetics of thermal expansion of illite-based ceramics in the dehydroxylation region during heating
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2017, 127(1), 291-298. ISSN 1388-6150.
Medveď, I., Trník, A., Vozár L.
Modeling of heat capacity peaks and enthalpy jumps of phase-change materials used for thermal energy storage
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017, 107 123-132. ISSN 0017-9310.
Medveď, I., Podobník L., Huckaby D.A.
Phase transitions of first order in finite volumes with applications to underpotential deposition of metals
ACTA PHYSICA SLOVACA. 2015, 65(6), 469-533. ISSN 1336-040X.
Kováč J., Trník, A., Medveď, I., Štubňa I., Vozár L.
Influence of Fly Ash Added to a Ceramic Body on Its Thermophysical Properties
Thermal Science. 2016, 20(2), 603-612. ISSN 0354-9836.
Pavlík, Z., Fořt, J., Záleská, M., Pavlíková, M., Trník, A., Medveď, I., Keppert, M., Koutsoukos P.G, Černý, R.
Energy-efficient thermal treatment of sewage sludge for its application in blended cements
Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 2016(112), 409-419. ISSN 0959-6526.
Ondruška J., Medveď, I., Kočí, V., Černý, R.
Measurement of the contribution of radiation to the apparent thermal conductivity of fiber reinforced cement composites exposed to elevated temperatures
International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2016, 100 298-304. ISSN 1290-0729.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Role of Time Relaxation in a One-Dimensional Diffusion-Advection Model of Water and Salt Transport
Advances in Mathematical Physics. 2015, 2015(2015), 307312. ISSN 1687-9139.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Model Formulas for Facilitating Determination of Concentration-Dependent Diffusion Coefficients
METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL. 2015, 21(5), 907-912. ISSN 1598-9623.
Medveď, I., Huckaby D., Trník, A., Milas I.
Chiral discrimination for a system of tetrahedral molecules on a triangular lattice
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2015, 2015, P06020. ISSN 1742-5468.
Scheinherrová, L., Trník, A., Kulovaná T., Reiterman P., Medveď, I., Vejmelková, E., Černý, R.
Thermal properties of high-performance concrete containing fine-ground ceramics as a partial cement replacement
Materials Science (Medžiagotyra). 2015, 21(3), 444-448. ISSN 1392-1320.
Jerman, M., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Length changes of autoclaved aerated concrete exposed to cyclic wetting and drying
Cement Wapno Beton. 2015, 20/82(3), 139-+. ISSN 1425-8129.
Trník, A., Scheinherrová, L., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Simultaneous DSC and TG analysis of high-performance concrete containing natural zeolite as a supplementary cementitious material
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2015, 121(1), 67-73. ISSN 1388-6150.
Medveď, I., Trník, A., Černý, R.
Adsorption isotherm predicted from a lattice gas with general lateral interactions in a single-phase regime
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2014, 2014(12), P12006. ISSN 1742-5468.
Medveď, I., Avsec J., Kováč J., Trník, A.
Rigorous Results on Surface Diffusion Coefficients Near a First-Order Phase Transition
International Journal of Thermophysics. 2014, 35(9-10), 1853-1862. ISSN 0195-928X.
Ondruška J., Trník, A., Keppert, M., Medveď, I., Vozár L.
Isothermal Dilatometric Study of Sintering in Kaolin
International Journal of Thermophysics. 2014, 35(9-10), 1946-1956. ISSN 0195-928X.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Coupled Water and Salt Transport in Porous Materials: Rapid Determination of a Varying Diffusion Coefficient from Experimental Data
Transport in Porous Media. 2014, 105(3), 597-610. ISSN 0169-3913.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Surface Diffusion at Subcritical Temperatures: Selected Rigorous Results
Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta. 2013, 2013(2), 48-54. ISSN 2072-8387.
Kováč J., Trník, A., Medveď, I., Vozár L.
Influence of calcite in a ceramic body on its thermophysical properties
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2013, 114(3), 963-970. ISSN 1388-6150.
Trník, A., Štubňa I., Sokolář R., Medveď, I.
Use of fly ash in ceramic tiles: Elastic properties during firing
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 2013, 121(1419), 925-929. ISSN 1882-0743.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Surface free energy of a finite system without interfaces at low temperatures
Physics Letters A. 2013, 377(39), 2718-2722. ISSN 0375-9601.
Pavlík, Z., Fořt, J., Žumár J., Pavlíková, M., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Sekundární vlivy na materiálové parametry charakterizující transport vodní páry stanovené miskovou metodou
Stavební obzor. 2013, 22(7), 178-182. ISSN 1805-2576.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Multi-site correlation functions in surface diffusion
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2013, 2013(4), P04026. ISSN 1742-5468.
Trník, A., Moravčíková A., Keppert, M., Medveď, I.
Investigation of Sintering in Electroceramics by Thermodilatometry
Science of Sintering. 2013, 45(1), 3-12. ISSN 0350-820X.
Pavlík, Z., Medveď, I., Žumár J., Pavlíková, M., Černý, R.
Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Adsorption Isotherms of Building Materials
Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 2013, 73(1), 939-954. ISSN 2010-376X.
Trník, A., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Measurement of linear thermal expansion coefficient of concrete at high temperatures: A comparison of isothermal and non-isothermal method
Cement Wapno Beton. 2012, 17/79(6), 363-372. ISSN 1425-8129.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Osmosis in porous media: A review of recent studies
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2013, 170(1), 299-317. ISSN 1387-1811.
Medveď, I., Huckaby D.A., Trník, A., Valovičová L.
Modelling of phase transitions: do it yourself
European Journal of Physics. 2013, 34(1), 95-106. ISSN 0143-0807.
Pavlík, Z., Medveď, I., Žumár J., Pavlíková, M., Černý, R.
Analýza adsorpce plynné vlhkosti v porézních stavebních materiálech
Stavební obzor. 2013, 22(1), ISSN 1805-2576.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Many-particle surface diffusion coefficients near first-order phase transitions at low temperatures
Physical Review E. 2012, 86(1), 011601. ISSN 1539-3755.
Tydlitát, V., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Determination of a partial phase composition in calcined gypsum by calorimetric analysis of hydration kinetics
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2012, 109(1), 57-62. ISSN 1388-6150.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Surface diffusion near first-order phase transitions for a model on a triangular lattice
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2012, 2012(01), P01025. ISSN 1742-5468.
Pavlík, Z., Žumár J., Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Water vapor adsorption in porous building materials: experimental measurement and theoretical analysis
Transport in Porous Media. 2012, 91(3), 939-954. ISSN 0169-3913.
Medveď, I., Moravčíková J.
Equilibrium neck shapes for initial stages of solid-state sintering due to surface diffusion in a disk model of clays.
Science of Sintering. 2011, 43(2), 133-143. ISSN 0350-820X.
Ondruška J., Trník, A., Medveď, I.
Estimation of mass transfer parameters during dehydroxylation in a large ceramic body by inverse methods
Ceramics International. 2011, 37(8), 3299-3305. ISSN 0272-8842.
Trník, A., Medveď, I., Štubňa I., Šín P., Sokolář R.
Relationship between mechanical strength and Young's modulus in traditional ceramics
Materials and Technology. 2011, 43(4), 375-378. ISSN 1580-2949.
Medveď, I., Trník, A.
Collective surface diffusion near a first-order phase transition.
Physical Review B. 2011, 83(23), 1-4. ISSN 1098-0121.
Medveď, I., Trník, A., Huckaby D.A.
Low temperature phases obtained by linear programming: An application to a lattice system of model chiral molecules.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 2011, 390(17), 3002-3019. ISSN 0378-4371.
Medveď, I., Černý, R.
Surface diffusion in porous media: A critical review
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2011, 142(2-3), 405-422. ISSN 1387-1811.
Medveď, I., Trník, A., Huckaby D.A.
Chiral segregation, an unusual racemic phase, and a residual entropy for a lattice system of model chiral molecules
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2010, 10(12), ISSN 1742-5468.
Cement composite for radionuclide encasement
Provider: GAČR
Solution time: 2017 - 2019